Davido Signs with Wasserman for Worldwide Representation

June 10, 2024
John Dody

Nigerian superstar Davido has taken a significant step in his international music career by signing with Wasserman for worldwide representation, excluding Africa. This move from his previous agency, United Talent Agency, is set to broaden his global reach and influence in the music industry.

🎤 Strategic Agency Partnership: At Wasserman, Davido will be represented by De’Mont Callender and Shay Royale, who are positioned to propel his career further on the global stage. This partnership aims to leverage Wasserman’s robust network and industry expertise to enhance Davido’s visibility and opportunities worldwide.

🎵 Continued Musical Success: Davido’s musical journey continues to impress, with his last album “Timeless” released through Columbia/Sony showcasing his evolution as an artist. His ability to blend Afrobeat with global music trends has made him a household name in his top markets, including Lagos, London, Port Harcourt, Abuja, and Nairobi.

📱 Dominant Social Media Presence: With a substantial following on major social platforms—over 15 million on Twitter, more than 4 million on YouTube, over 5 million on TikTok, and nearly 30 million on Instagram—Davido’s influence extends far beyond music. His social media prowess significantly contributes to his brand, making him one of the most followed African artists globally.

🚀 What’s Next for Davido: With the backing of Wasserman, Davido is poised for further international accomplishments. Fans can look forward to more groundbreaking music, international tours, and high-profile collaborations that continue to fuse African rhythms with global beats.

Davido’s partnership with Wasserman marks a promising new chapter in his illustrious career, promising to amplify his presence and impact in the global music scene. As he continues to innovate and inspire, the industry watches eagerly to see how this new alignment will enhance his future projects and global standing.

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