D’Angelo Signs with Wasserman for Worldwide Representation

June 10, 2024
John Dody
In categories:

Grammy-winning artist D’Angelo has transitioned to Wasserman for worldwide representation, marking a significant move in his illustrious music career. Previously represented by Jeremy Holgersen at IAG and before that, United Talent Agency, this new partnership with Wasserman is set to open new avenues for his artistic endeavors.

🎵 A Celebrated Musical Journey: D’Angelo, known for his profound impact on the neo-soul genre, has a rich history of critically acclaimed works, including his latest album “Black Messiah” released through RCA Records. His music consistently pushes the boundaries of soul and R&B, earning him a dedicated fan base and widespread acclaim.

🎤 Recent Collaborations: His most recent musical venture includes a collaboration with Jay-Z and Jeymes Samuel for the soundtrack of “Book of Clarence,” showcasing his enduring relevance and versatility in the music industry.

🔄 Continued Management by Blacksmith Management: While changing his agency representation, D’Angelo maintains a steady partnership with Blacksmith Management, ensuring continuity in his career management and strategic planning.

🚀 What’s Next for D’Angelo: With his representation at Wasserman, Brent Smith and Seth Malasky, guiding his representation, D’Angelo is well-positioned to expand his musical influence and explore new projects. Fans can look forward to potential new music, tours, and creative collaborations that will continue to showcase his unique sound and artistic vision.

D’Angelo’s move to Wasserman signifies a fresh chapter in his career, promising to enhance his opportunities and support his growth as a global music icon. As he continues to innovate and inspire, the music industry watches e

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