Rusowsky Signs with TBA Agency for Representation in North America

August 8, 2024
John Dody

Rusowsky, the artistic alter ego of Ruslan Mediavilla, has signed with TBA Agency for representation in North America, excluding Mexico. He continues to be represented by Wasserman for the rest of the world and is still managed by RUSIA IDK.

Career Highlights: Ruslan Mediavilla, known professionally as Rusowsky, is a Madrid-based musician with Belarusian roots and classical musical training. His unique blend of electronic and classical influences has garnered him a dedicated following in the music scene.

Musical Style and Influence: Rusowsky’s music is characterized by its ethereal and experimental soundscapes, blending electronic beats with classical instrumentation. His innovative approach to music production has set him apart from his contemporaries, creating a distinct and captivating sound.

Social Media and Streaming Presence: Rusowsky has gained significant popularity on streaming platforms, with over 5 million streams on Spotify. His engaging social media content further amplifies his reach, allowing him to connect with a wider audience.

Notable Performances: Rusowsky has performed at various notable venues and festivals, including:

  • Primavera Sound in Barcelona, Spain
  • Sónar Festival in Barcelona, Spain
  • Mad Cool Festival in Madrid, Spain
  • BBK Live in Bilbao, Spain

Future Projects: With his new representation by TBA Agency in North America, Rusowsky is poised to expand his influence and reach even further. Fans can expect more innovative music releases and captivating live performances as he continues to evolve as an artist.

Rusowsky’s signing with TBA Agency marks an exciting new chapter in his career, promising to bring his distinctive sound to a broader audience in North America.

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