Marc Rebillet Joins Sacks & Co for PR

July 18, 2024
John Dody

Marc Rebillet, the dynamic musician known for his energetic and improvisational performances, has hired Sacks & Co as his publicist. He continues his relationships with United Talent Agency for booking and is managed by Crush Works.

Career and Musical Style: Marc Rebillet has carved out a niche in the music industry with his unique blend of electronic music, funk, soul, and comedy, making his live performances memorable experiences for audiences. His approach often involves creating songs spontaneously, a style that has garnered a dedicated following.

Recent and Upcoming Engagements: Recently, Rebillet has taken his talents to major music festivals such as Tomorrowland and Beyond the Pale, showcasing his skills to a broader audience. In a significant appearance at Google I/O 2024, he explored the potential of AI-generated music, highlighting his interest in innovative musical technologies.

Marc Rebillet’s partnership with Sacks & Co marks an exciting phase in his career, promising enhanced promotional strategies and opportunities to connect with an even larger audience.

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