Hello Grace,
you should contact Ariana’s agent to receive list with her requests. Also, have in mind when reaching agent to include all details related with the event, such as time and date, location, event type, venue capacity, etc.
Hi Grace,
Hope all is well. Do you perhaps mean what are Ariana’s demands from the rider? An artist rider is part of the performance contract put together and signed by a performance artist and the event promoter. During the booking process, the promoter will receive complete rider with all requirements (such as security, meals, parking, broadcast rights, interviews, meets and greets). Sometimes you can find leaked artists riders but they are usually not displayed in public. I believe Ariana has a long list of demands in her rider such as – photographers can shoot only from the left side of her face and not to use natural light or journalists can’t ask her about certain topics from her private life (about ex-boyfriends, family, etc). If you would like to know more about Artist Riders, read this blog post – https://blog.bookingagentinfo.com/what-is-an-artist-rider/
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Thank you,
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