How do I get a publicist attention for media pass

How do I get a publicist attention for media pass

What is the most effective way to get the attention of a publicist and get them to agree to providing you a media pass?


Asked on November 14, 2019 9:43 pm

Questions: 42
Answers: 0


If you are beginner, you should start with covering smaller public events, where you don't need pres pass, and start building up your portfolio.
If you are experienced journalist or photographer, beside portfolio, it is essential to provide the name of your contact at a reputable publication. In case you have your own blog, provide link to the blog.
Also have in mind to make contact earlier.
Best way is to send email, and if you don't get response, try to follow up in couple of days.

Good luck,


Answered On November 18, 2019 8:26 am

Questions: 0
Answers: 9

Not sure whether you are looking for a media pass as a photographer, journalist, podcaster, etc so I'm going to just talk generally.

The best way to get the publicists attention is simply by sending them an email with key information on your publication including web traffic, other people you have interviewed, and subject that your publication covers. If the email is professionally written, you'll like get a response.

Also, by covering smaller concerts or events, you can begin building relationships with publicists so that your on their radar. Keep in mind that most publicists represent a lot of artists (both big and small), so if you cover their smaller artists and build a relationship, they'll will be more likely to give you access to their bigger ones.

Hope that helps


Answered On November 14, 2019 10:27 pm

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Answers: 96