We recently booked an artist that is requesting a lot on their rider for production. We are unlikely going to be able to get exactly what they are asking for. We were thinking of just getting similar equipment to what they were asking. Anybody been in a situation where couldn’t get the exact equipment on the rider?
Also, to add to the previous answers, some (if not most) of the artists riders will list everything they would usually use/prefer to use so always ask what can be supplied and what the artist might be able to bring with them as some may have the equipment they are asking for.
Most riders are generic and sent out to all and are not venue specific. I am a Tour Manager and I have had a couple of festivals push back on certain points of the rider which I had to explain that it is a generic and multi purpose rider that is used for festivals and venue tours and not specific to their festival/venue (I liked the pushback on this because it meant that they were reading the rider in detail and not just glancing over it).
Hope this helps!
Just like Jay mentioned, just reach out to management and see what exceptions that they are able to make. You want to get approval before getting anything that isn't what they asked for.
Just talk to the artist management and see what you can use and not use. Also see what the venue already has. If you need any help, let me know.
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