Renowned for her trailblazing role in the hit musical dramedy series “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend,” Rachel Bloom is charting a new path by signing with WME for representation across all areas. Bloom, a luminary in both acting and musical comedy, has captured hearts with her unique blend of humor, music, and storytelling, earning her critical acclaim, including a Golden Globe for Best Actress in a TV Series — Musical or Comedy.
🏆 An Award-winning Talent: Bloom’s creative genius extends beyond acting; she’s celebrated for her songwriting prowess, clinching an Emmy for Best Original Music and Lyrics with “Antidepressants Are So Not A Big Deal.” Her passion for performing has led her from the “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Live” stage show to “What Am I Going To Do With My Life Now?” solo tour and, most recently, her Off-Broadway musical comedy show, “Death, Let Me Do My Show.”
📺 Continuing Creative Partnerships: While embracing this new chapter with WME, Bloom remains connected with her existing team at Sugar23, Ginsburg Daniels Kallis LLP, and YMU, ensuring a seamless transition as she explores new creative horizons.
Rachel Bloom’s journey with WME marks a thrilling next step for an artist whose work continues to inspire and entertain audiences worldwide. With this partnership, fans can anticipate Bloom’s ever-evolving career to soar to new heights, bringing her distinctive voice and boundless creativity to even broader platforms.