Mal贸ne Signs with Liaison Artists

June 27, 2024
John Dody

DJ and producer Mal贸ne has joined Liaison Artists for representation across North and South America, enhancing his strategic positioning within the electronic music scene. This collaboration is poised to broaden his reach and boost his performance opportunities throughout the continent.

馃帶 New Agency Collaboration: At Liaison Artists, Mal贸ne will be managed by Andrew Kelsey, who is tasked with broadening his engagement and network within key American markets. This arrangement seeks to leverage the robust electronic music scene in the Americas and secure Mal贸ne more spots in festivals and club events.

馃實 Global Representation Continues: Alongside his new representation in the Americas, Mal贸ne remains under the global representation of WME. This dual representation ensures a cohesive and effective strategy across all markets, maintaining a consistent and expansive presence internationally.

馃幍 Management Team: Managed by Paul Campbell at NU Management, Mal贸ne is supported by a team that is deeply invested in his artistic growth and career advancement. This comprehensive management approach ensures that his career moves are well-coordinated across agencies and geographies.

馃帳 Festival Appearances and Impact: Mal贸ne’s recent performance at EDC Las Vegas highlights his active participation in the festival circuit. With Liaison Artists’ notable presence in electronic music festivals, Mal贸ne is set to appear in more lineups, enhancing his visibility and influence within the industry.

馃搱 Roster of Influential Acts: By signing with Liaison Artists, Mal贸ne joins an elite roster of artists such as Eli & Fur, Horse Meat Disco, Honey Dijon, and Ferry Corsten. His inclusion in this group not only enhances his standing in the electronic music community but also opens up numerous opportunities for collaboration and creative exploration.

馃殌 Looking Ahead: Backed by Liaison Artists in the Americas and WME globally, along with the strategic guidance of NU Management, Mal贸ne is well-positioned for an exciting trajectory. Fans and industry alike can anticipate more dynamic performances across major venues and possibly new music releases that showcase his unique sound and artistic evolution.

Mal贸ne’s partnership with Liaison Artists marks a crucial step in his career, setting the stage for further growth and success in the vibrant landscape of electronic music across the Americas. As he continues to carve out his niche, the support from his management and agencies will undoubtedly be instrumental in realizing his full potential and reaching new heights.

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