Guarantee versus Split deal — What is a ok guarantee fee?

Guarantee versus Split deal — What is a ok guarantee fee?

Take this just as the example:

Venue ticket price: 10$
Venue size: 100 seats
At 100% capacity income would be $1000

Payment to artist: $XX guarantee vs. $700 (70%)

If making a guarantee vs. split deal, at what amount would you make the guarantee? How much of the potential maximum fee on a split should be guaranteed for?


Asked on November 14, 2019 9:42 pm

Questions: 1
Answers: 0

This is going to be dependent on the artist. ****It should be noted that the majority of artists/agents will not do split deals. The artists that typically do split deals are up and coming artists who don't yet have an audience. ***

With that being said, when split deals are done I've heard of 50% being guaranteed at the least, with 75%+ being most common.

Hope that helps


Answered On November 27, 2019 4:34 am

Questions: 0
Answers: 96